Contact Us

This form is exclusively for inquiries related to Bandai Namco Aces Inc.

Please note that we may not be able to answer your inquiry depending on the nature of your inquiry.

Bandai Namco Aces Inc. does not accept any proposals, etc. sent by customers.

In the unlikely event that we do receive a proposal from a customer, we will discard or delete it.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Jean Louis
Bandai Namco Aces Inc
Inquiries about the Company

Please be sure to check our "Privacy Policy" before clicking the "Send with the above information" button.

< Regarding your inquiry >

Please note that it may take some time to reply to your inquiry. We may not be able to respond to your requested response date or to your urgent request.
We may also not be able to reply to some questions (e.g., surveys, questionnaires, etc.) depending on the content of the question.
In principle, we will reply to your inquiry within business hours (10:00-17:00).

< Handling of Personal Information >

We will use your personal information provided by you for the purpose of responding to your inquiry.
We will manage your personal information appropriately in accordance with our "Privacy Policy".
Please click here for our privacy policy.

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